
National and provincial awards offer additional means to recognize the achievements of our athletes, volunteers, coaches, officials, volunteers and staff.

Northern Ontario Curling Association awards

NOCA Volunteer Award

The NOCA Volunteer Award is an opportunity for NOCA member clubs to recognize their volunteers. Each year three (3) awards will be presented and we encourage you to nominate individuals from your curling club. The worthy recipient is one who is always willing to help out whether it be at registration, teaching juniors, doing repairs or renovations, running a league, conducting clinics, working behind the bar, doing kitchen duty at a bonspiel, or any other volunteer effort that helps make the club successful. This award is for anyone in your club; age is not a factor.

NOCA Club Recognition Award

The NOCA Club Recognition Award will be awarded by the NOCA Board to a club which has demonstrated outstanding efforts to promote and develop the sport of curling in its community. This may include providing training to curlers and staff, promoting curling development, upgrading facilities, hosting events, or any other effort which enhances the profile of the club and curling in the community or region.

Ontario Curling Association (Curling Ontario) awards

Curling Canada awards

Each year, Curling Canada honours individuals, groups of individuals or organizations that have contributed at the club, regional, provincial/territorial, national or international levels to the betterment of the sport.

Levels of acknowledgment vary from certificates of recognition to our highest honour and induction in the Curling Hall of Fame. We thank all Canadian curlers and fans of curling for their contributions to help sustain and grow the sport of curling in our country!

Other awards

The Ontario Volunteer Service Awards recognize individual volunteers for continuous years of commitment and dedicated service to an organization. Adults are recognized for five, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30+, 40+, 50+ and 60+ years of continuous service. Youth (under the age of 24) are recognized for two or more years of continuous service.

Each September during National Coaches Week, the Coaches Association of Ontario presents coaching awards in a number of general categories across all sports in Ontario: grassroots, school sport, good-to-great, trailblazer, and lifetime achievement. Awards are granted based on nominations from athletes, other coaches, or administrators which are due each spring.

In addition to electing members to the Ontario Sport Hall of Fame, the Hall offers a series of annual achievement awards. These include the Syl Apps Athlete of the Year, the Sandy Hawley Community Service Award, and the Bruce Prentice Legacy Award. 

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